Our Vision

We are your logistics partner for demanding niches

As a logistics specialist and integrated service provider, we see ourselves as a long-term and competent partner for industry and trade. In a dynamic and increasingly flexible business world, complete relocations as well as the assembly and dismantling of complex systems are among the constant adjustment processes for companies. 


Our success is based on five solid principles

  • 1. Our customers get everything from a single source.

    We began early on to see ourselves as an integrated service provider that covers all individual steps in relocation processes in theory and practice from a single source. Our employees and our logistics infrastructure are geared towards demanding relocations. 

  • 2. Our team guarantees consistent quality.

    By consistently adhering to national and international standards, we offer our customers reliability and uniform quality across national borders. Our competent and motivated team takes centre stage as a guarantee for the provision of a professional service. 

  • 3. Towards the future with climate protection and social responsibility.

    The future topics of climate protection and social responsibility are part of our corporate behaviour. To this end, we have developed a sustainability strategy. This includes a resource-conserving approach to the environment, the evaluation of the company's CO2 emissions, membership of various selected initiatives as well as investments in climate protection projects and the pursuit of climate positivity.

  • 4. Having your own equipment makes you independent and flexible.

    We attach great importance to using our own equipment for the realisation of our projects. This includes our specialised fleet of vehicles, custom-made products and tailor-made equipment, in which we continuously invest according to our customers' requirements. This makes us independent of third parties and enables us to offer our customers maximum flexibility. 

  • 5. We grow with and for our customers.

    We see our further development in the consistent expansion of our niche position as a specialised service provider. In doing so, we follow the trends and needs of our customers. We see ourselves as shaping the logistics of tomorrow by taking innovative paths and creating new professional solutions. 

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